

瀏覽次數(shù):4162 日期:2024年10月23日04時55分21秒

Feeding the Sow: Comparison of Gestational and Lactation Programmes


08 October 2014

Paul H. Luimes of the University of Guelph described his work comparing two feeding programmes during pregnancy and three during lactation on sow health and productivity over three parities to the 2014 London Swine Conference.

Introduction 摘要

There are a number of important reasons that sow nutritional performance during lactation is of great interest to producers.In a series of excellent extension articles, Flowers (2002a,b) indicated that, when troubleshooting reproductive problems in sows, a key event to investigate carefully is feed intake of the sow during her previous lactation.Besides the reproductive performance of the sow, piglet performance is also intrinsically associated with the nutritional status and, as a result, milk production, of its dam (Noblet and Etienne, 1989).

An element of how a sow performs during lactation has to do with the gestational feeding program that is in place (Koketsu et al., 1996; Quinioiu, 2005).There has been some interesting work on feeding during gestation (Young et al. 2004). These data have resulted in extension materials being developed recommending feeding according to gestating sow weight and back fat thickness rather than simply body condition score (Aherne, 2008b).With this method, Young et al. (2004) found no improvement in subsequent lactation performance but did find the program did result in fewer over-conditioned sows and less feed cost per sow annually. As well, by increasing feed allotment during late gestation sows experienced easier farrowing but no improvement in sow or piglet performance (Quiniou, 2005).

Koketsu et al. (1996) analyzed a large PigChamp database and found many factors to be related to the average daily feed intake of a sow. Pattern of consumption, litter size, lactation length, parity, gestation feeding program and environment, i.e. temperature and humidity, all were shown to affect average daily feed intake by sows (Koketsu et al. 1996).

生產(chǎn)者們對影響哺乳母豬泌乳性能的各種因素極其關(guān)注。在一系列優(yōu)秀的相關(guān)文章中,Flowers (2002a,b) 指出,解決母豬繁殖問題時,需要仔細研究的一個重要指標是其前一哺乳期間的采食量。除了母豬的繁殖性能,仔豬的生長性能也與營養(yǎng)狀況存有直接的聯(lián)系,因此,母豬奶水不足會限制小豬的生長(Noblet and Etienne, 1989)。

影響哺乳母豬泌乳性能的其中一個重要因素是妊娠期的合理飼喂方案。Young 等在母豬妊娠期間做了一些有趣的研究(Young et al. 2004),并通過這些研究數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計的結(jié)果建議,應(yīng)根據(jù)懷孕母豬的體重和背膘厚而不是簡單的體況評分作為參考來設(shè)定飼喂。Young (2004)發(fā)現(xiàn),運用這種方法來設(shè)定妊娠期母豬的飼喂方案,并沒有改善后續(xù)哺乳期的泌乳性能,但卻減少了母豬的飼養(yǎng)成本。同時,增加妊娠后期母豬的飼喂量可以使其更容易產(chǎn)出小豬,但對母豬及小豬的性能并沒有改善(Quiniou, 2005)

Koketsu (1996)通過分析大型PigChamp數(shù)據(jù)庫發(fā)現(xiàn)許多因素與母豬的平均日采食量相關(guān)。如消化模式、仔豬窩重、哺乳周期、胎次、妊娠期飼喂方案和環(huán)境(如溫度和濕度)等,都被證明會影響母豬平均日采食量(Koketsu et al. 1996)。

Vignola (2009) summarised a number of other principles or factors that affect feed intake of nursing sows:

1、Too restrictive feed allowance ;

2、Water intake (both in the feed (as gruel) and as a separate fresh drinking source);

3、Employee stockmanship skills

4、Animal comfort/equipment management.

Vignola (2009)等總結(jié)了其他一些影響哺乳母豬采食量的因素:

1. 妊娠期過度限飼;

2. 水的攝入(包括飼料中的水分及直接飲用的新鮮水源);

3. 飼養(yǎng)員的操作;

4. 動物的舒適度/設(shè)備管理。

Some of these factors, when controlled, have been shown to affect sow feed intake and lactation performance, for example, water intake and temperature (Leibbrandt et al., 2001).A number of strategies have been developed in efforts to reduce the risk of a drop in feed intake for nursing sows. While there are extension publications readily available explaining the “best” system, there has been very little experimental data published to compare these methods.

Aherne (2008a) explained a method of slowly increasing feed intake up to a target (4 lb + 1.25lb per piglet) by day 8 and holding that intake level until day 12 (which coincides with the time of high risk to go off feed seen by Koketsu (2006)). On day 13, Aherne (2008a) recommended feeding ad libitum. Another method that appears to be popular is feeding ad libitum for the entire lactation. Finally, a method being recommended by some (Loula, 2009) is a variation of the last method where the sow can “self-feed” by dispensing feed into her trough by turning a wheel.

To the author's knowledge, no work has been done to investigate the three methods of feeding lactating sows side-by-side. Nor has there been any published work to investigate the interaction of the methods of feeding gestating sows and lactating sows on a sow’s nutritional, metabolic and reproductive performance and resulting litter performance to weaning.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of various feeding regimes for gestating and nursing sows and being able to monitor their nutritional/metabolic health will be of benefit in reducing pre-weaned mortalities and increasing weaning weight in piglets as well as improving the sow’s subsequent reproductive performance.

通過控制其中的一些因素,如水的攝入和溫度等,將會對母豬的采食和哺乳性能產(chǎn)生影響(Leibbrandt et al., 2001)。曾有人在減少哺乳母豬采食量下降的風險方面已經(jīng)制定了一些方案。雖然有一些已發(fā)表的文章對“最佳”方案作出過解釋,但對這些方案進行同時比較的試驗數(shù)據(jù)卻很少。

Aherne (2008a)介紹了一種將飼料攝入緩慢增加到目標采食量的方案,從第8天開始(按4磅+1.25磅/每頭仔豬計算)并保持攝入水平直到第12天(這與母豬采食波峰的時間相一致Koketsu (2006)),13天開始自由采食;還有一種似乎更受歡迎的方案是整個哺乳期都讓母豬自由采食。另外,(Loula, 2009)等推薦的方案是通過自動喂料器實現(xiàn)母豬的自由采食。



Animals and Treatments試驗動物及處理

Three hundred sows were randomly assigned (after being balanced for parity) to six treatments set up in a 2×3 factorial design.

There were two types of gestational feeding:

· The first (“Conv.”) was a typical method where the producer does a visual appraisal of the sow’s condition and sets a feed amount based upon that visual inspection.

· The second (“Kansas”) was the system as promoted by the Kansas State Swine Extension group (Young et al. 2004) where sows are weighed and their back fat is measured using an ultrasound. Feed amounts are set based on a table that can be customised for the energy density of the diet and number of feedings per day (one in this case).

There were three types of lactation sow feeding

· The first (“Conv.”) was feeding as much as the sow wishes (ad libitum) from day 3 onward. The goal was that there was always a little feed left in the feed trough when the next feeding occurred.

· The second (“Ramp”) was such that the amount is slowly ramped up to ad libitum over 13 days. On day 1, sows received 2.0 kg of feed, on days 2 and 3 sows received 3.0kg of feed. From days 4 to 8, sows were ramped up as quickly as possible to 1.8 kg + 0.6kg per piglet of feed. When this target level was attained, it was maintained until day 12. From day 13 onwards, the sow was fed ad libitum. This method was recommended by Aherne (2008a).

· The third (“Ad libitum”) feeding method was self-feeders where the sow could decide for herself how much she would like to consume from day 1 to weaning.

The treatments were applied over three parities in order to determine what the longer term effects of the various feeding regimes would be. All sows were fed the same diets across treatments (gestating and lactating rations).



· 方案一 (“Conv.”)是典型的方法,生產(chǎn)者根據(jù)目測母豬的體況按需設(shè)置飼喂量。

· 方案二(“Kansas”)是由“堪薩斯州養(yǎng)豬集團”(Young et al. 2004)推廣的系統(tǒng),對母豬進行稱重和用超聲波測量背膘厚,并根據(jù)飼料的能量密度和每天的飼喂次數(shù)(在這種情況下為1次)定制的表設(shè)置飼料量。


· 方案一(“Conv.”)從產(chǎn)后第三天開始讓母豬自由采食,目標是在每一次加料時,料槽中仍有少量剩余的飼料。

· 方案二(“Ramp”)在產(chǎn)后13天內(nèi)緩慢增加飼喂量至采食最大化。在第1天飼喂2.0㎏飼料;第2、第3天飼喂3.0㎏飼料;第4至第8天,將母豬的采食量盡可能快的提升至1.8㎏+0.6㎏×帶仔數(shù);當達到該水平時,保持直到第12天;從第13天開始,讓母豬自由采食。這種方法是由Aherne (2008a)推薦的。

· 方案三(“自由采食”):通過自動喂料器飼喂,從產(chǎn)后到斷奶哺乳母豬可自主決定采食量。


Data Collection and Analyses

Feed intake and sow and piglet mortality events were recorded on a daily basis. Piglets were weighed at birth and again at weaning. Sows were ultrasounded for back fat when moved into the farrowing crate and again after weaning.

Feed samples were collected on a monthly basis. Sow weights were recorded when moved into the farrowing crate, as soon after farrowing as possible (usually same day or the next day) and when moved out of the farrowing crate.

Reproductive parameters (weaning-to-oestrus interval, farrowing rate, litter size (alive, stillborn and mummified)) were recorded for each parity. All data were analysed using the Mixed procedure of SAS. Repeated measures were conducted on all data that were measured repeatedly over time. Factors of interest are: sow feed intake, back fat changes, piglet performance and reproductive performance of sows.





At time of submission of this article all of the data have not been analyzed but Table 1 is a summary of some of the data.


Discussion 討論

None of the statistical differences seen was remarkable but until the economics of the differences are determined we must be careful to pass them off as not important. The difference in feed intake during lactation for the two gestational treatments is interesting.Until we get the gestation data all analysed it is difficult to make any substantial conclusions. It appears the slow ramp-up method recommended by Aherne (2008a) resulted in the largest feed intake for the lactating sows. This, coupled with the combination of lowest bodyweight loss during lactation and piglet weaning weight for that treatment, makes this system positive especially for farms where sows lose concerning amounts of body weight during lactation.The conventional system of lactational feeding resulted in the largest body weight loss during lactation but also resulted in comparable weaning weights in piglets. The ad libitum system of feeding during lactation resulted in the largest litter size at birth (past the first period/trial parity) but unfortunately, because the cross-fostering that was completed on the farm what impact it would have accumulated in over lactations may have been confounded.

The companion paper to this one, by Dale Rozeboom (2014), delves into nutritional requirements during the critical periparturient period.

從數(shù)據(jù)上看統(tǒng)計差異并不顯著,當其在經(jīng)濟學上的差異還不明確之前,我們暫且把這些差異性看作不重要。兩個不同的妊娠期飼喂方案所對應(yīng)的哺乳期采食量差異是很有意思的。直至我們分析了所有妊娠數(shù)據(jù)也很難做出任何實質(zhì)性的結(jié)論。相比較下,Aherne (2008a)推薦的緩慢增加飼喂量的方法最能促進哺乳母豬的采食量達到最大化。這是哺乳期母豬最低體重損失和仔豬斷奶重量相結(jié)合的結(jié)果,該方案特別適用于常出現(xiàn)哺乳母豬掉膘的豬場。這套常規(guī)的哺乳期飼喂方案能讓母豬的泌乳失重降到最低,同時也使斷奶仔豬達到相當?shù)捏w重。哺乳期自由采食飼喂方案能提高母豬下一胎次仔豬的初生窩重,但不幸的是,由于豬場實行交叉育種會導(dǎo)致哺乳期累積的影響被其他因素所混淆。

Dale Rozeboom(2014)的這篇論文,深入研究了圍產(chǎn)期的營養(yǎng)需求。


The author acknowledges funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Ontario Pork for this project, as well as the cooperation and dedication of the owners and employees of Bartside Farms where the trial took place.


· Aherne, F.X. 2008a. Feeding the lactating sow. Pork Industry Handbook. PIH 07-01-05.

· Aherne, F.X. 2008b. Feeding the gestating sow. Pork Industry Handbook. PIH 07-01-06.

· Flowers, W.L. 2002a. Using reproductive physiology to troubleshoot fertility problems (Part I).  Swine News NC State Swine Extension 25, 7.

· Flowers, W.L. 2002b. Using reproductive physiology to troubleshoot fertility problems (Part II). Swine News NC State Swine Extension 25, 8.

· Koketsu, Y., Dial, G.D., Pettigrew, J.E. and King, V.L. 1996. Feed intake pattern during lactation and subsequent reproductive performance of sows. J Anim Sci 74:2875-84.

· Larriestra, A.J., Maes, D.G., Deen, J. and Morrison, R.B. 2005. Mixed models applied to the study of variation of grower-finisher mortality and culling rates of a large swine production system. Can J  Vet Res 69:26-31.

· Leibbrandt, V.D., Johnston, L.J., Shurson, G.C., Crenshaw, J.D., Libal, G.W. and Arthur, R.D. 2001. Effect of nipple drinker water flow rate and season on performance of lactating swine. J Anim Sci. 7:2770-75.

· Loula, T. 2009. Keynote address: Marketing into the Future. 47th Annual Southwestern Ontario Pork Conference. Ridgetown, Ontario.

· Noblet, J. and Etienne, M. 1989. Estimation of sow milk nutrient output. J Anim Sci 67:3352-9.

· Quiniou, N. 2005. Influence de la quantité d’aliment allouée à la truie en fin de gestation sur le déroulement de la mise bas, la vitalité des porcelets et les performances de lactation. Journées de Recherche Porcine 37:187-194.

· Rozeboom, D.W. 2014. Feeding the sow: peri-partum. Proceedings of the 14th London Swine Conference, in press

· Vignola, M. 2009. Sow feeding management during lactation. Proceedings of the 9th London Swine Conference p107-117.

· Young, M.G., Tokach, M.D., Aherne, F.X., Main, R.G., Dritz, S.S., Goodband, R.D. and Nelssen, J.L. 2004. Comparison of three methods of feeding sows in gestation and the subsequent effects on lactation performance. J Anim Sci 82:3058-70.


Luimes P.H. 2014. Feeding the sow: Comparison of gestational and lactation programmes. Proceedings of the London Swine Conference. London, Ontario, Canada. 26 to 27 March 2014. p45-49.

Further Reading

You can view other papers presented at the 2014 London Swine conference by clicking here.

October 2014

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